Words and things and paragraphs maybe
Affinites are born with a secondary kima pool, their bodies creating a natural source of their bound element, regardless what it may be. To many, it is the Only way to handle elements at or aobve the Qorvum tier.
Super-Random spells behave specifically in a manner best explained with dice. Take a loose smattering of dice, throw them in a bingo/lotto ball roller cage, spin the cage to randomly pull out a die, and then roll that.
The Kima
Kima is the measurement unit for any amount of Arcanum, and incrememnts in base 50 steps. A person's expected Kima count can be found by taking their average fitness(measured in Mitochondria per Cell, the average human is somewhere between 2000 and 2500) and multiplying that by their newtonic output divided by 1000.
Kima, 1 point of Arcanum worth approximately 0.889644 Newtons. 5 Kima is equal to 1 Pound-force, roughly.
Kila, a measure of 50 Kima, about 10 pounds of force exerted. Generally seen as the standard measure for a standard Fireball spell.
Kika, a measure of 50 Kila, or 2500 Kima, about 500 pounds of force exerted.
Kiha, a measure of 50 Kika, or 2500 Kila, or 125000 Kima, about 25000 pounds of force exerted. 10 Kihi is roughly a stick of tnt.
Kida, a measure of 50 Kiha, about 1,250,000 pounds of force. Roughly the strength of 5 sticks of tnt.
Kina, a measure of 50 Kida, about 62,500,000 pounds of force.
Kiga, a measure of 50 Kina, about 3,125,000,000 pounds of force.
Kiba, a measure of 50 Kiga, about 156,250,000,000 pounds of force, roughly the amount of force released by the nuclear bombs dropped on in Japan in WW2.
Magic, and by extension, Raw Kima, can be channeled with eight different sorts of Classes of Purity.
Raw Arcanum
The lowest form of magic, so low that it hardly even holds elements in any distinguishable way.
Arcanum Primum
A clean form of Arcanum, focused down and spun up into an element, the first real stage of magic usage.
Arcanum Advum
Strongly Elemental magic, where the behaviors of the elements are cleaner and sharper, and more self stable.
Arcanum Tlivum
Magic embodied in a whole, where an elelment has been focused down and distilled into something purer.
Arcanum Qorvum
Magic that is so fundamentally part of a user, so densly packed that its behaviors change to become more acutely resonant. Most people don't bother trying to learn magic at this tier, unless it's their natural affinity. Outside of a small handful of function spells, above this point, the kima cost and difficulty of use are simply not worth it to Most Normal People.
Arcanum Fundemum
Magic similar in manner to dragons, unfathomably powerful, the force of a hammer with the precision of a scalpel. The magic seems to start coming alive of its own at this point, being able to resist the user at points.
Arcanum Rlecholah
Magical control that is nigh divine in appearance, so dense and potent that most people wouldn't survive being imbued with even a fraction of a kima of Rlecholah spun magic. The quarkonium of magic.
Arcanum Primordium
Magic made so focused that it returns to a nigh primordial, untempered state. It is overwhelming, chaotic, to use Arcanum Primordium classed spells is a struggle against the magic itself, and the few who have tried have failed to control it. The neutronium of magic. Magic Elements of this Class tend to be true anywhere, due to the simple fact of how broad and simple the elements are at their core, whilst still being more than near anyone can handle. Even artificial synthesis is dangerous with these elements.
Hexal Elements
Psychic Line
Psi Magic
Class: Primum (I)
The power of the mind to manipulate the world, the invisible push and pull of unseen hands.
Body Magic
Class: Advum (II)
When Psi magic is spun up cleanly, it forms Body Magic, magic granting proper shapeshifting, physical enhancement, and disability spells. Largely, this magic applies to musculature, being a magic of living meat.
Blood Magic
Class: Advum Duos (IIb)
Spun up poorly, Psi magic spins into a more gruesome one, instead binding to Blood instead. Largely, it's an Oxygenic Element, and when manipulated correctly by someone who realizes what blood even really is, even expands out into Oxides under its domain. Most typically, however, it is used to control red ironblood, with rare cases extending into the insectoid pale yellow vanabinblood, and even rarer extending their usages into green chlorocruorin blood (found in worms), blue copper blood (found in spiders, cephalopods, and crustaceans), and purple hemerythryn blood (found in marine worms, such as the amusingly named penis worm).
Heart Magic
Class: Advum Duos (IIc)
In certain systems, Psi magic will spin up into a sort of fusional psychic element, the element of Heart.
Mind Magic
Class: Tlivum (III)
Spun up, Body magic evolves into Mind magic, which is not necessarily a magic over Nervous Systems, isntead largely being over Thought, Memory, and various Memetic Effects.
Soul Magic
Class: Qorvum (IV)
Souls are distinctly magical structures found in living creatures. In analogy to the Body, the Soul is the Lungs and the rest of the respiratory system. Mind, Will, and Emotion are bound under it's dominion. Also included are Name, Personality, Vital Spark, and Shadow of Truth. This is where the standard Familiarization spells lie, as well as Living Art spells. Souls also take certain traits, which best are described as the types of drunks. Emotional Aspective are crying drunks, Neutral Aspectives never show they're drunk, Passion Aspectives are the Giggly Drunks, Chaos Aspectives are the kind of drunks who immediately try to strip and party, Love Aspectives are the drunks that flirt with anything that moves, Control Aspectives are drunks who tend to get aggressive to feel like they're in control of a situation.
Spirit Magic
Class: Fundemum (V)
Living bodies contain a great number of small nodes all throughout, the system of these nodes are the Spirit. In analogy to the Body, the Spirit would be the Heart, and the connected nodes would be the blood vessels of the Vascular System. The nodes in the Head form Intuition, in the Arms grants Communion, around the Heart grants Love, at the Core is Conscience, around the Hip lies Meaning, and within the Legs, Purpose. Those are the most commonly interacted nodes. Spiritomancers are feared, due to how they can change a person's entire Personhood.
Rakor Magic
Class: Rlecholah (VI)
Rakor magic is the Rlecholah Coin of Livingness. Positive Rakor magic behaves as Life Magic, including the coveted Direct Healing. Neutral Rakor behaves almost Virally, neither alive nor dead, neither growing nor dying. Negative Rakor behaves as Death Magic, the horribly destructive decay types of spells.
Material Line
Earth Magic
Class: Primum (I)
Stuff, specifically loose gravelly stuff, and stuff that can be described as soil or clay.
Metal Magic
Class: Advum (II)
Stuff, specifically metals on the peridotic table. Can be Alkali Metals, Alkaline Earth Metals, Transition Metals, or just Other Metals, but Has To Be A Metal.
Crystal Magic
Class: Advum Duos (IIb)
Stuff, specifically Silicates, and Only Silicates. They can be impure silicates, so long as it's a Silicate. Given that Silicates are excellent arcane conductors, a number of people elect to learn some degree of Crystal spells, just to give themselves better magical reach. Pocket Sand would be a short form Crystal Range spell.
Atomic Magic
Class: Tlivum (III)
Stuff, specifically Alchemic Stuff. Atomic magic applies to all elements, best suited in transmutation sorts of spells, and is known to uniquely be able to give off a radioactive effect.
Quarkstring Magic
Class: Qorvum (IV)
Stuff, advancing into Subatomic Stuff, where Anti-Stuff can be created as well as weird Non Atomic Stuff.
Cosmic Magic
Class: Fundemum (V)
Stuff, advancing into small pocket dimensions where you can put more stuff. Due to the difficulty of harnessing Cosmic Magic, Things of Holding are Notably Valuable, selling for a high value to many adventurers, as well as people with a great deal of Stuff. Advances into a sort of Quantum Foam type of magic, which even lifelong users have difficulty understadning.
Flow Line
Water Magic
Class: Primum (I)
Wet Stuff, Water Wet Stuff specifically. One of the easiest elements to understand, water can flow, or it can crash.
Frost Magic
Class: Advum (II)
Spun up cleanly, water magic freezes over, snow and ice falling into dominion all the same.
Acid Magic
Class: Advum Duos (IIb)
Spun up "Dirtily", water magic shifts more into dominion of ionized hydrogens, more acids and acidity than just exclusively Water.
Heat Magic
Class: Tlivum (III)
Spun up once more, Frost magic shifts resonance to Temperatures, Internal Energy States moreso than Ice and Snow.
Slime Magic
Class: Qorvum (IV)
The flow line appears to corrupt in terms of progression, Temperature magic spinning up into a very Bouncy sort of magic, a Viscous element that behaves how slimes tend to be portrayed. Frictional in an opposite way to the Friction Element found on the force line.
Time Magic
Class: Fundemum (V)
Spinning up Slime magic into the Fundemum tier finalizes the flow control state, the rivers of time begin to bend and sway before a master's touch, great oracles capable of reading the flow's directions and seeing the dominos in their rows. Notoriously, this element fights back and is more slippery than a lubed up bar of soap in the shower, making non affinites give up on this element. Temporomancers describe it as the most accursed element, due to the natural inclination of trying to undo a great personal tradgedy, yet never being able to prevent it, no matter how far back you go. A teenaged temporomancer tried to save their friend from a vengeful spirit, who originally got them killed, and it took 67 loops for the temporomancer to break and stop counting. None among those three survived, drowning deep within the ocean planet below their home space station.
Being Line
Aetherial Flux Magic
Class: Primum (I)
Pseudo-chaotic State Changing magic, the Reroll, Recollapsing a state. Minorly Super-Random.
Sense Magic
Class: Primum (Ib)
This is the magic of Nerves, found in certain systems replacing Aetherial Flux magics. Largely, the element is Sensory, physical touch, sight, scent, balance, etc.
Nature Magic
Class: Advum (II)
Magic of plants and fungi, in a state of Everchange. Applies also to Prionobiota's Bodies (prionobiota, as well as Virobiota, are controlled by Rakor magic), which are notably annoying to hit with certain spells, due to not having dna.
Beast Magic
Class: Advum Duos (IIb)
Magic over beasts, if it is alive and not plant-like, it counts. Microbes count, but are A Royal Pain In The Ass to try to control with it, due to their size.
Copy Magic
Class: Tlivum (III)
Spun up Nature magic creates a Mimicry Element, can imitate anything the magic "reads", but never perfectly cleanly. Distinctly reflective, the mirror looks back.
Techno Magic
Class: Qorvum (IV)
Magic described like being able to change settings like adjusting code on a screen. Manifests largely as wiry strings, and contains one of the better healing type spells, Re-format. Rewire type spells change internal states equivalently, changing colors, redistributing mass, minor twists to DNA can be achieved with the skill and focus of a surgeon, unless you're trying to cause some quick and dirty problems.
Void Magic
Class: Fundemum (V)
Teleportation magic, wormholes, could be here, could be literally anywhere else, or many places at once.
Ragoth Magic
Class: Rlecholah (VI)
The Rlecholah Coin of Chaos (positive), Entropy (neutral), and Order (negative). Behaves in a Super-Random manner when Neutrally or Positively charged.
Pulse Line
Pulse Magic
Class: Raw Primum (0.5 ish)
Magic over a sort of Pre-Fire element, the heat before the flame.
Fire Magic
Class: Primum (I)
The simplest magic, magic over weak plasmas, also defined as fire.
Plasma Magic
Class: Advum (II)
Electricity magic, equally simple to conceptualize, it's lightning bolts and electric charge.
Lava Magic
Class: Advum Duos (IIb)
Also known as the element of hot liquid fuck you. When fire magic is spun up dirtily, it merges with a number of other Primum elements, and forms a Magmic/Lava Element that seems to glow, yet produces no real light of its own.
Energy Magic
Class: Tlivum (III)
A fissional Magic, functionally. Prototypically, Explosions Go Boom.
Stellar Fusion Magic
Class: Qorvum (IV)
Magic whose energy state is so great, is behaves Fusionally, calling forth from the stars a stellar magic that can call forth great Prominence, as well as releasing Extraordinary amounts of power from the merging of two things.
Electromagnetism Magic
Class: Fundemum (V)
One of the easiest Fundemum elements to try and learn to use, relatively. Can be channeled into a tightly narrow Gamma burst, or a broad band radio wave, or anything in between.
Dakoth Magic
Class: Rlecholah (VI)
Magic over the Rlecholah Coin of Light (positive), Twilight (neutral), and Darkness (negative).
Force Line
Air/Wind Magic
Class: Primum (I)
Magic over the force of Winds, not specifically Air.
Sound Magic
Class: Advum (II)
Magic over the force of Sound Waves.
Gas Magic
Class: Advum Duos (IIb)
Magic over Air, specifically, as well as other Gases.
Friction Magic
Class: Tlivum (III)
Largely this magic behaves like a Speed Magic, can increase friction so much that nothing can move, or decrease it so much it's the slickest sliding ever.
Pressure Magic
Class: Qorvum (IV)
Spun up again, the magic becomes a Directional Force, behaivng like an application of pressure. Also refered to as Force Magic for this reason.
Gravity Magic
Class: Fundemum (V)
Spun up again, Pressure Magic becomes Point based, and behaves more akin to gravity.
Realm Magic
Class: Fundemum (Vb)
A sort of Black Hole of an Element, Singularity Dimenisonal. This element appears most in certain systems, typically where Cosmic magic doesn't exist.
Primordium "Line"
Omni Magic
Class: Primordium (VII)
The Reality Bending Magic of Wish Granting and Creation. Every Single Interaction with Omni magic is a bargain with its ruling Madrago. Can defy causality in unique ways, if you can agree to the dragon's rules, or convince it otherwise. Typically, the dragon allows a maximum of Double your strength for weight, double your mass for size, and things that allign with the dragon's nature. Neutral wishes often have the dragon taking something for its own in exchange if not offered before granting. This element is most commonly bound into puzzle statues, which when united, act as a gateway vessel to communicate with the dragon for potential wishes. Affinites have to live with a dragon in their head every time they cast spells, watching and judging their every move.
Nullus Magic
Class: Primordium (VII)
The Reality Bending Magic which grants power over Nothingness, viewed in some worlds seen as Dark Matter and Dark Energy, while in others it's seen as magic over Empty Spaces, of which are Everywhere. A paradoxical Divide By Zero element, can negate Anything, create structures that behave as ever repulsive White Holes, can create and collapse vacuums in extremely destructive manners. A human can be collapsed into the size of a sugar cube if you remove all their empty space. The Madrago that upholds this element is notoriously picky about accepting its users, and hardly ever lends a claw, opting instead to allow the user to destroy themselves via misuse. Proper Nullomancers, such as Cassia Philomena, have to Earn that respect, and none of them could tell you how they did it, becuase none of them genuinely know what it was.
Zodiacal Elements
Capricorn Magic
Behavior: Cardinal Earth
The Magic of the Goatstars, a grounded and guiding directional magic that forges a path. At the forefront of earth, forms hills and spikes like horns.
Aquarius Magic
Behavior: Fixed Air
The Magic of the Stellar Waterbearer, a stable knowledge of new paths, magic that spins the course of things, redirection and illusions within the mists.
Pisces Magic
Behavior: Mutable Water
The Magic of the Fishstars, it ebbs and flows to the wills of Dreams, the mystical wonders that lie at the end of the seas.
Aries Magic
Behavior: Cardinal Fire
The Magic of the Charging Ramstars, it rushes headlong as a wild warrior, blazing flames that only stop when they meet an appropriate obsticle.
Taurus Magic
Behavior: Fixed Earth
The Magic of the Sturdy Bullstars, it fortifies itself and its possessions as a wall to be rushed headlong into.
Gemini Magic
Behavior: Mutable Air
The Magic of the Binary Twinstars, it bends the ends of thought into action, duality dancing like puppetmasters upon their strings.
Cancer Magic
Behavior: Cardinal Water
The Magic of the Cancorum Stellaris, at the forefront of Heart, it scuttles emotions into place and snips feeling into construction.
Leo Magic
Behavior: Fixed Fire
The Magic of the Mighty Lionstars, the glory of the lions blazes forth from the mighty pride, emboldened by an unstoppable Will.
Virgo Magic
Behavior: Mutable Earth
The Magic of the Virgin Stars, the eyes of the maiden that guide in the ends of the earth into molding as clay.
Libra Magic
Behavior: Cardinal Air
The Magic of the Balancing Scalestars, it is the judge which knows and holds all truths, divining anything it weighs upon.
Scorpio Magic
Behavior: Fixed Water
The Magic of the Scorpionstars, the steady heart that stings with great intensity that burns like a stinging poison.
Ophiuchus Magic
Behavior: Aetherial
The Magic of the Serpentbearing Stars, the quintessential snakeways which slither through all.
Sagittarius Magic
Behavior: Mutable Fire
The Magic of the Centauric Archerstars, the straight seer whose arrows always fly true.
State Elements
Condensate Magic
Magic that behaves as a Condensate, a type of state of matter which appears at Aboslute Zero.
Supersolid Magic
Magic that is rigid, yet moves without friction.
Superfluid Magic
Magic that is fluid and fricitonless, that can climb up flat walls like nothing out of the ordinary.
Time Crystal Magic
Magic that behaves almost like bullettime.
Solid Magic
Magic that behaves like solids, freezing into rigid shapes.
Liquid Crystal Magic
Magic that flows like water, yet maintains a near gelatinous order. Like the Jello of Magic.
Liquid Magic
Magic that flows like liquid.
Supercritical Magic
Magic that behaves like a fluid and a gas.
Gas Magic
Expansive magic that floats and drifts and dances like clouds in the skies.
Plasma Magic
Magic behaving as a plasma, loose and wild and Sharp and glowing.
Electronian Magic
Magic that behaves like the cores of a white dwarf star, where electrons are loosely bound and capable of fluxing other elements in accordance.
Neutronian Magic
Magic that behaves like the cores of a neutron star, densely packed in deeper and deeper and more pastalike shapes.
Unarian Magic
Magic behaving similarly to the state of magic immediately after the big bang.
Soulshade Elements
Soulshade Elements have an intentual aspect to them, their shape and qaulity being defined by the ever changing nature of the wielder's soul. A spherical soul is full of love, icosahedral souls are full of kindness, dodecahedral souls are selfless, octahedral souls are selfish, cubic souls are apathetic, and tetrahedral souls are full of hate.
Abyssoul Magic
Color: Radio Wave Black
Magic akin to the Shaodws of the Ordered Abyssal Realms.
Mastersoul Magic
Color: Stygian Microwave Maroon
Magic over Perfection, over Mastery, over Repetition. Every time around, it's done a little better, a little cleaner.
Spiritsoul Magic
Color: Infrared
Magic over Intuition and Direction.
Selfsoul Magic
Color: Pink
Magic over Personality and Autonomy, mastery over the Self.
Bladesoul Magic
Color: Red
Magic of the Passionate sword, strikes straight and true. The Unstoppable force of the Warrior.
Shieldsoul Magic
Color: Orange
Magic over the Foritification of the Shield, the Immovable object of the Protector.
Guidesoul Magic
Color: Golden Yellow
Magic over Will that Guides, broadly used in construct creation, like an army of terracotta soldiers.
Healthsoul Magic
Color: Green
Magic over Life, broadly used for healing, where it gets its name from.
Heartsoul Magic
Color: Cyan
Magic over Emotion and Emoting, pacification and enraging.
Mindsoul Magic
Color: Blue
Magic over the mind, mind control and mind reading being two common uses.
Truthsoul Magic
Color: Purple
Magic over the Shadow, over Reflection, over Truth. You look into the mirror, and the mirror looks into you.
Nervesoul Magic
Color: Ultra Violet
Magic over Internal Sensation, like Pleasure and Pain and Hunger and that sort.
Sensesoul Magic
Color: X-ray
Magic over the senses, false sensation, and illusions.
Aethersoul Magic
Color: Gamma White
Magic akin to the Burning Godflame of the Chaotic Aetherial Realm.
Limnasoul Magic
Color: Silver
The Magic of betweenness, of gateways, of both yet neither.
Unitic Dreamsoul Magic
Color: Rainbow
The magic of potentiality, oppportunity, hopes, and dreams.
Other Elements
Holy Magic
Magic from that which is Good and Pure, as defined typically by intent for care and help, to heal harm and prevent harm to be caused. A bright, smooth magic.
Eldritch Magic
Magic from that which is Cruel and Impure, as typically defined by intent for harm and destruction, to bring suffering in your wake. An ugly, slimy magic.
"Shadow of Intent"
Deep magic from a realm most dark, a magic of dreams and intents and imaginary friends and imaginary realms. Dreams in the darkness.
The Anti-matter of magic. Creates a repulsive field which repels normal magic below a certain threshold, and Annihliates anything strong enough to cross the threshold. As an element, it is so extremely difficult to merge into other shapes, like Anti-fire, or Anti-Pisces, that it hardly ever can be convinced to form those higher elements.
False Omniplanar Magic
Antithesis Magic
Anti-Magic has been created into one notable element before on two semi-stable occasions, an Anti-Omnullus/Anti-Universe Magic, Antithesis. Only two entities in all of creation have survived using this element, and it was at Great Effort.
Omnullus Magic
The Magic of the Universe, of Everythingness and Nothingness in unison.
Page Magic
An affixing singularity magic.
Pencil Magic
A creation carving sort of magic, significantly less refined than Inkblood.
True Omniplanar Magic
The Living Universe
The magic of Creation itself, the Magical Force of Ideas from within the endless seas of Chaos. It is Possibility, it fills in gaps that the Inkblood misses, and if those gaps are observed for too long, too thouroughly, the ink begins to unravel at points.
The Book Bound
An impositional superposition collapse, held only by the Observer. As Observer, You collapse the superstate, anyone that observes, Everyone that observes, for all of time, has the impact to collapse the inkfounts out of superposition, however they so view. How one views and observes is key, turning heroes into villains, nobodies into somebodies. The Reader's Imposition.
The Inkblood
Power over the Inkfounts from which all creation blossoms, flows forth from the pen of the author and shapes all the worlds. The Ink takes a guide, and from the logics and mind of the Host, transforms said host into the Essence of Creation.